eShop Plus
By : WRTeam
Email :
Thank you for purchasing eShop Plus.
We appreciate your support. In this documentation, you will find instructions on how to set up
the mobile application for eShop Plus.
This document also provides features of eShop Plus.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for choosing eShop Plus!
Setup flutter
Setup flutter in your system
Visit flutter official website :
for full install guide.
Note : Flutter version 3.24.5 has been used in this app code
If you prefer video tutorials, we recommend this playlist for the full installation process
- After installation run "flutter doctor -v" to check
if everything is correctly setup.
- Android Toolchain, Android Studio, and XCode for Mac users should be correctly configured.
- If you are using Android Studio, install the flutter & dart plugin from Android Studio
plugin market place.
and if you are using VS Code you can install flutter extension.
Set JAVA Path
To avoid gradle and JAVA incompatibility issues, you can use JAVA 19.0.2 version in your system
Download JAVA 19.0.2 and set path in the system
If you found that there is conflict between multiple JAVA versions, you can manually mention
this java version in flutter code by below code
Open android/
and add below line
This should be path to your JAVA 19.0.2 folder. If properties is already there
in file then just change the path.
For MAC path will be like this
For Windows path will be like this\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-19.0.2
Note: If you are using windows then you have to use 2 slashes in java path in flutter app.
Change package name
Unzip the downloaded code. After unzipping you will have 3 app folders- customer,seller and
select one app folder and open it in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
Open ide terminal go to your project path and execute command
flutter pub get
If you are running this app for ios then run these following commands in terminal.
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
Change package name of android app
Execute this command in your terminal
flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main your_new_package_name
Change package name of ios app
Open ios folder of this project in xcode. Go Select Runner->Targets->General->Identity and
enter new package name in Build Identifier.
Go to
and update package.
Change app logo
For Android, open
android > app > src > main > res
and add here your logo
screen size
For IOS open
ios > Runner > Assets.xcassets > AppIcon.appiconset
and add here
your logo
according to diffrent size.
Change app version
For Android
- go to pubspec.yaml
- EX.Update version:A.B.C+X in pubspec.yaml.
- For Android:
A.B.C represents the versionName such as 1.0.0. X (the number after the +) represents the
versionCode such as 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Do not forget to execute flutter packages get, flutter build or flutter run after this step
For iOS
- A.B.C represents the CFBundleShortVersionString such as 1.0.0. X (the number after the +)
represents the CFBundleVersion such as 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Do not forget to execute any one of the below command after this step
flutter packages get
flutter build
flutter run
Change app name
For Android, go to
and change the app
name as shown in
image. Change the value of android:label in the application tag to your app name.
For IOS open this project in xcode and enter your app name in display name field as shown in
Change app theme
You can set different theme for different store. Go to store detail in admin panel and change
the below color values
Change Animation Color
- If you want to change the animation color then follow the below steps
- Open website in browser and login or signup.
- Upload 'order_confirmed.json' file from assets->images folder of app code

- After uploading the file, you can change the color of animation from color pallete.
- After changing the color, you can download the json file and replace the file in
folder of app code.
- After replacing the file, you can see the animation color changed. You can repeat the steps
for all lotties images of the app of which you want to change the color.
Change font in app
Go to
and add your font as shown in image.
Go to google_fonts/ and add .tff files of fonts.
Change Authentication Method
For OTP verification, we have integrated Firebase authentication method and Custom SMS Gateway.
Open admin panel, go to Settings -> Authentication Setting.
Here you can change the authentication method.
Note: By default Firebase authentication method is enabled.
How to enable Firebase Phone Authentication(OTP).
- Open your firebase console.
- Go to Authentication and open Sign-in method.
- Enable Phone Sign-in method and save.
How to enable Google Authentication
- Open your firebase console.
- Go to Authentication and open Sign-in method.
- Go to Google and enable the google sign_in and then click 'Save'.
You can enable or disable Google and Apple sign in option from admin panel.
Go to Settings -> System Settings -> App & System Setting
How to enable Apple Authentication
How to setup deeplink in app
- First of all download this google files from the link :Server
side deeplink files
- Open both files in the any text editor and follow below steps

- After above changes save both files (Note- Keep name proper same of both files)
- Open server > Go to admin panel root folder
- You will get
folder on root directory
- If you dont get that folder from setting then enable setting visible hidden files then check
- After changing setting, still you don't find the files, Create new directory named
(Makesure name starts
with dot[.])
- Add both above saved files inside the .well-known folder. and make it public
- In server > admin panel root folder you will get
file, Open it and
paste below
code in it.
# 300 Redirections
# Redirect for Android devices
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (Android) [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*/provider/.*$ [R=301,L]
# Add more redirections here as needed...
# Redirect for iPhone/iPad devices
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (iPhone|iPad) [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*/provider/.*$ [R=302,L]
Dont forget to change customer app's play store url and apple app
store url in above code with your's app.
- For further steps open customer app code in android studio and follow below steps.

How to Change default country code for OTP.
- Go to lib/utils/constants.dart and replace the default country code with your country code.
Run this app
Open your terminal, navigate to your project path and execute the following command to run this
flutter run
How to manage payment gatway and its credentials in admin panel
- Open admin panel, go to Settings > Payment Methods Settings.
- Here you can Active or Deactive payment method. For active methods set all necessary payment
info in fields
Integrate with admin panel
Go to
and replace the baseUrl with your admin panel
Add Language
Open admin panel, go to Language.
- Here add the language code and language name. also turn on the 'is RTL' if the language is

- After adding language you can see the language in the list. Then you have to add the
translated value of
each lables in below textfields.
Change default Currency of app
- Open admin panel, go to Settings -> Currency Settings
From System Default Currency , you can change default currency for app
Add pusher info for chat feature
- Create account in
- After creating account, go to
- Go to
- Click on create app and create the app
- After creating app, go to
- Select your app
- Go to App Keys and copy the value of app ID, pusher key , pusher secret key
and cluster

- Open admin panel, go to
Settings -> Pusher Setting
Here, paste the value of channel name, app ID, pusher key , pusher secret key ,cluster in
the respective fields.
Change URL for IOS app
- Open lib -> utils -> constants.dart
Change value of 'iosLink' with your IOS app url.
Generate release version
Create and add Key Store file for Androd:
To generate a keystore file, run the following command:
On Mac/Linux, use the following command:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore your-keystore-file.jks -keyalg RSA
-keysize 2048 -validity
10000 -alias your-alias
On Windows, use the following command:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore your-keystore-file.jks -storetype JKS
-keyalg RSA
-keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias your-alias
You can replace "your-keystore-file.jks" with your preferred filename, but ensure you
keep the ".jks" extension. Similarly, you can change "your-alias" as needed, but make
sure to remember it. During this process, you will be prompted to set a password; please
note that the password characters won't be visible on the screen.
Additional information may be requested, but you can simply press Enter to skip those as
they are
optional fields.
Create a file named "" in your project's "android" folder and add the
following details, which correspond to the information you used in the previous step:
Replace the placeholders ("[]" brackets) with the actual details you used. Once these
two steps are completed, you can generate either an APK file using the following
flutter build apk
Or an app bundle file for the Play Store upload with:
flutter build appbundle
Follow these links for more information on generateing the release version:
Scope of Admin
Accessibility of Admin
- Add New store
- View Order details
- Category Management
- Brand Management
- Product Management
- Seller Management with Commission
- Delivery Boy Management
- Customer Management
- Slider Management
- Offer Management
- Media Management
- Support Ticket Management
- PromoCode Management
- Featured Section Management
- Payment Request Management
- Notification Management
- Location Management
Accessibility of Seller
- Order Management
- Product Management
- Wallet management
- Media management
- Location Management
- Sales Report
Accessibility of Delivery Boy
- Order Management
- Transaction Management
Its our pleasure to serve and support our customers. Please contact our support team if you
encounter any issues or have any questions related to eShop Plus.
Customer Support Head for eShop Plus : Payal WRTeam
To help our customers, we constantly be in touch with every customer if they need any assistance
regarding our product.
We offer our customers a support from Mon – Fri 9.00am to 6.00pm IST (GMT +5.30) –
We are a Team located in India – Asia.
Typically we reply our customers for all the questions and queries within 24 hours of time
via comments, support forum or emails.
Your Feedback
Dear valuable customer,
Thank you very much for choosing our product.
It's our pleasure to serve top-notch service to you.
Please give us your honest feedback that will help us to make a more strong and reliable product
by click here Rate
Thank you very much.