
Espeech solves the Hassle of managing your text to speech synthesis from multiple providers like Microsoft Cognitive service,Google cloud Platform ,Amazon Polly and IBM Watson. We provide the platform where you can systhesise the text from all the given providers.

What is espeech?

espeech neural text-to-speech uses deep standard and neural networks to make the voices of computers nearly indistinguishable from recordings of people. With the human-like natural prosody and clear articulation of words, neural text-to-speech has significantly reduced listening fatigue when you interact with AI systems.

The patterns of stress and intonation in spoken language are called prosody. Traditional text-to-speech systems break down prosody into separate linguistic analysis and acoustic prediction steps that are governed by independent models. That can result in muffled, buzzy voice synthesis. Microsoft neural text-to-speech capability does prosody prediction and voice synthesis simultaneously, uses deep neural networks to overcome the limits of traditional text-to-speech systems in matching the patterns of stress and intonation in spoken language, and synthesizes the units of speech into a computer voice. The result is a more fluid and natural-sounding voice.

In this overview, you learn about the benefits and capabilities of the text-to-speech service, which enables your applications, tools, or devices to convert text into human-like synthesized speech. Use human-like neural voices, or create a custom voice unique to your product or brand. For a full list of supported voices, languages, and locales, see supported languages.


  1. Login into you cPanel.
  2. Go to database in your cPanel
  3. Enter database name and Create a new database.
  4. Create Database user.
  5. Assign Database to the user.
  6. Open File manager now.
  7. Go to public_html or public_html/ folder in the file manager, whichever folder your domain points to.
  8. Upload the downloaded zip in public_html or public_html/ folder.
  9. unzip or extract the Code vX.X - upload this on file that you have just uploaded.
  10. verify that all these files are in public_html or public_html/ folder.
  11. visit

After following the above steps you have successfully created a Database, User for the Database, and uploaded Ready to Install files. Kindly gather that database information and fill in the form as suggested.

  1. Database Hostname : Enter the hostname.
  2. Database Username : Enter the username that have access to the database.
  3. Database Password : Enter the password.
  4. Database Name : Enter the name of database.
  5. Admin Mobile : Enter the mobile number (The mobile number will be used further for user authentication)
  6. Admin Password : Enter the password number(The password will be used further for user authentication)

Now click Install. Thats it! You are ready to run your App :

Configure Espeech


In order to Configure Espeech you must have Admin Account.

Use the given guide to configure and customize espeech as you need.

Login as admin by

  1. Click Login / Register
  2. Enter Admin Login id and Password. Click Login
  3. Great! You have logged in as Admin.
  4. Follow the steps given below to customize espeech.

General Settings

All the General Settings like Company Title, Support Name, Support Email, favicon, Half Logo, Currency Symbol, TimeZone, Phone, Site Colors, Address, Description, Copyright Details, And Support Hours. Just go to Settings -> General.

Email Settings

Configure Email settings. Just go to Settings -> SMTP (Email).

  1. Type the host name.
  2. Type SMTP user name.
  3. Type SMTP Password.
  4. Enter SMTP Port no.
  5. Select SMTP Encryption Type
  6. Select Mail type (HTML,TEXT)

Terms And Conditions

Configure Terms And Conditions settings. Just go to Settings -> Terms and Conditions.

  1. Enter all Terms and conditions under Terms and conditions section.

Privacy Policy

Configure Privacy Policy settings. Just go to Settings -> Privacy Policy.

  1. Enter all Privacy Policy under Privacy Policy section.

Refund Policy

Configure Refund Policy settings. Just go to Settings -> Refund Policy.

  1. Enter all Refund Policy under Refund Policy section.

About us

Configure About us settings. Just go to Settings -> About us.

  1. Enter all About us under About us section.

TTS Intergrations

Generate api keys for the all the supported providers.

TTS Pricing

  1. For AWS TTS Price Go to
  2. For Microsoft Azure TTS Price Go to
  3. For Google TTS Price Go to
  4. For IBM TTS Price Go to


  1. Go to
  2. click Sign In to the Console
  3. Enter credentials in login page
  4. Go to Profile dropdown and select Security Credentials
  5. Under Access keys tab click create new Access key
  6. Download the Key , and keep it to safe place (Use this keys to configire espeech)
  7. Paste all Amazon Credentials here. (settings -> TTS Configurations)

Microsoft Azure

  1. Go to and sign in with your microsoft account
  2. Sign in with your account
  3. In searchbox Search for cognitive service
  4. Go to speech services
  5. Click Create and fill the form
  6. Click Manage keys
  7. Copy Key 1 ,key 2 and region to configure espeeh
  8. Paste all Azure Credentials here. (settings -> TTS Configurations)


  1. Go to and sign in with your Google account
  2. Sign in with your account
  3. Create New Project
  4. Enter Project Name
  5. Go to API & Services -> Dashboard
  6. Click enable API and Services
  7. Search for Cloud Text to speech API and click on it.
  8. Click Enable
  9. click Service Cretential and select if you have any else create new by create create credentials -> Service Credentials.
  10. New Api Keys.
  11. Copy Api keys
  12. Paste all Google Credentials here. (settings -> TTS Configurations)


  1. Go to and sign in with your Google account
  2. Sign in with your account
  3. Create New Project
  4. Search for Text to speech API and click on it.
  5. Select Your plan And click on create for generate API credentials
  6. Paste all IBM Credentials here. (settings -> TTS Configurations)
  7. Go to for more information about IBM credentials

Payment Gateway Settings.

Verity of options available for paymemts, just follow the below steps to configure the payment gateways for eSpeech.


  1. Go to and sign in with your Stripe account
  2. Sign in with your account
  3. Click on Developers on top right of the browser
  4. Click Api keys on left Navigation bar
  5. Click Reveal Key and copy Publishable key and Secret Key.
  6. Paste all Stripe Credentials here. (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)


  1. Go to and sign in with your Razorpay account
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Api keys
  4. Genetare new key or regenerate key and copy it.
  5. Paste all Razorpay Credentials here. (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)


  1. Go to and sign in with your Paystack account
  2. Click settings and click API Keys & Webhooks
  3. Copy Credentials
  4. Paste all Paystack Credentials here. (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)


  1. Go to (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)
  2. Enable Bank transfers status and fill in the necessary data


  1. Go to and sign in with your Paytm account either with credentials or with QR code
  2. Active account if not active
  3. Click Developer Settings to get API keys
  4. Copy Credentials
  5. Paste all Paystack Credentials here. (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)


  1. Go to h and sign in with your Paypal account either with credentials or with QR code
  2. Click default application to get API keys
  3. Copy Credentials
  4. Paste all Paystack Credentials here. (settings -> Payment Gateway Settings)


Informations about all tabs in espeech


  1. Dashboard of the app to view app insights.

TTS Languages

Note : This is an admin feature not available in user pannel.

  1. You can Customize Text to Speech Languages Here
  2. You can update TTS language here


Note : This is an admin feature not available in user pannel.

  1. Update Voices and add voices if no exist here
  2. You can Customize Voice Here

Text to Speech

  1. Languages: Select the language for the written text and synthesize language.
  2. Voices : select your desired voice that fits your needs.
  3. Listen Selected Voice : Listen the sample of the voice you have selected before you synthesize to save your characters.
  4. Title : Enter the title for your synthesis to find the saved tts easily.
  5. Voice Modulation : Customize the final audio output by putting this those options.
  6. Text : Enter the text to synthesize.
  7. Synthesize : button that synthesize the given text.
  8. Play Audio : After synthesis this button plays the synthesised text.
  9. Download : To Download the Synthesised Text.
  10. Save Result : Saves the Synthesised audio to the server so you can hear or download anytime.
  11. Save as Predefined : (option only available to admin) saves the audio for sample voice.

Users TTS

Note : This is an admin feature not available in user pannel.

Users TTs tab shows all the text to speech synthesized by all users and admin.


  1. View available plans under Available Plans section.
  2. Create new plan under App Plan Section.
    1. Title : Name for the Plan.
    2. Plan type : select weather the plan is character based or provider based.
    3. Select animation : choose the animation to be displayed on frontend.
    4. Preview of animation.
    5. Featured : select is plan featured or not.
    6. Create tenurefor the given plan.


  1. You can manually add subscription for user under Add Subscription section.
    1. Select user of subscription you want to add.
    2. Displays the users full name.
    3. select Plan from the dropdown.
    4. Displays the plan type ( Genaral or Provider ).
    5. Select the plan tenure for the given Plan.
    6. Displays the price for the given plan and tenure.
    7. Displays the discounted price for the given plan and tenure.
    8. Enter the date you want the subscription to start.
    9. Displays the plans Expiry date.
  2. View all subscriptions in Subscriptions table.


  1. See all the transactions done by users under Transaction Records Sections.


  1. See all registerd users under users Sections.


  1. See All the Blog list
    1. Create New Blog
    2. Edit Your existing blog
    3. Delete Blog


  1. Add Reviews
  • View all Users Reviews table.