

By : WRTeam
Email : wrteam.aayush@gmail.com

Thank you for purchasing e-School. We appreciate your support. In this documentation, you will find instructions on how to set up the admin panel and mobile application for e-School. This document also provides features of e-School. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for choosing e-School!

Setup Admin Panel


eSchool Admin panel is built using Laravel Framework 9.14.1 so you need PHP version upto 8.1.0 version installed on your server.

Upload Admin Panel code on server

1. Unzip the code you will see the Admin Panel inside the zip.

2. Upload this folder content on your server in public_html folder.

3. After uploading visit your domain url. You will see the installation wizard.Follow the instructions.

Installation Steps

1. Installation Screen


2. Server Requirements & Extensions

If PHP version is lower than 8.0 or any extension is not installed then it will be highlighted using Red color. So you need to make sure that your server meets the all requirement.


3. Permission Screen

Make sure this folder have read & write permissions. If not then assign this folders read & write permissions.


4. Purchase Code Validation

Here you'll have to insert the purchase code obtained from CodeCanyon to authenticate your purchase and authorize your server to access the services.

To find your Purchase code you can visit this link: Where is My Purchase code?


5. Database Configuration Screen


6. Database Connection Status


7. Final installation Screen

If everything is configured successfully then your Admin panel has been installed successfully.You can login as Super Admin using the credentials provided here.


Additional Configurations (Admin Panel)

After Installation you need to setup some settings before using the system.

1. Session Year

Set your Current & upcoming session years here, So you can manage student by session year


2. App Settings

This settings will be used by your Flutter APP.


3. General Settings

This settings will be used by Admin Panel.You can set your current session year here.


4. Notification Settings

Now, Sender Id will be used for sending App Notification.


Sender Id

1. In the Firebase console, go to Project Settings.

2. From Cloud Messaging tab check the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) where Sender Id is given, add that to Admin Panel in System Settings > Notification Setting.

Firebase Project Id

1. In the Firebase console, go to Project Settings

2. Go to > General where Project Id is given add that to Admin Panel in System Settings > Notification Setting.

Service Json File

1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.

2. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.

3. Securely store the JSON file containing the key and upload in Admin Panel in System Settings > Notification Setting.

5. Email Configurations

Send Email configurations so that system can send emails to registered users.


After Adding Email configurations you need to verify your email address. So that you can easily register students.


6. Fee payment Configurations

Set Razorpay, stripe and Paystack credentials. At a time only one payment gateway will be enable


7. Payment Gateway's Webhook Configuration


1. Webhook Configuration for Razorpay

e-School e-School e-School

2. Webhook Configuration for Stripe

e-School e-School e-School

3. Webhook Configuration for Paystack



Setup flutter

Setup flutter in your system

    Visit flutter official website : https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install for full install guide.

    If you prefer video tutorials, we recommend this playlist for the full installation process

Change package name

  1. Unzip the downloaded code. After unzipping you will have E-School - Flutter Code zip folder. Unzip that folder and open it in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open ide terminal go to your project path and execute command

    flutter pub get

  3. If you are running this app for ios then run these following commands in terminal.

    cd ios

    pod install

    cd ..

  4. Change package name of android app
    Execute this command in your terminal

    flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main your_new_package_name


  5. Change package name of ios app
    Open ios folder of this project in xcode. Go Select Runner->Targets->General->Identity and enter new package name in Build Identifier.


Integrate with firebase

  1. Create firebase project in your account





  2. Add android application to your firebase project


    Download the google-service.json file and add in this folder android/app/




  3. Add ios application to your firebase project



  4. Download GoogleService-Info.plist and add in this folder ios/Runner/


  5. Please configure this settings in-order to send ios notifications.


  6. You have configured firebase in your project successfully

Integrate with admin panel

Go to lib/utils/constants.dart and replace the baseUrl with your admin panel url.


Change app name

For Android, go to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and change the app name as shown in image. Replace the selected eSchool text with your school name


For IOS open this project in xcode and enter your app name in display name field as shown in image.


Run this app

Open your terminal, navigate to your project path and execute the following command to run this app.

flutter run

Go to README.md file to check all the commonly used commands to fix issues that you may encounter while running the app. You'll also be able to run the shell script directly if you're using Android Studio.


Change app theme

Go to lib/ui/styles/colors.dart and set your theme colors


Change font in app

  1. Go to lib/app/app.dart and add your font as shown in image.


  2. Go to assets/google_fonts/ and add .tff files of fonts.


Change language in app

  1. By default,default application language is english. If you want to change default language go to lib/utils/appLanguages.dart and add your respective language's code shown in below image. Get your language code from here https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/languages.


  2. If your default language code is not in app language list add language details in list as shown in below image. Go to lib/utils/appLanguages.dart


  3. If your default language is not in assets/languages/[language-code].json then create new file in same folder with [language-code].json. Add all the labels from en.json and convert label values in your respective language


  4. Copy all the labels form en.json file in your [language-code].json file.


  5. If you want to add new language then follow the steps 2,3 and 4.

Change item animations

In the lib/utils/constants.dart file, to enable/disable item appearing animations, you can change the value of isApplicationItemAnimationOn to true/false according to your requirements.

To change the duration of animation you can adjust the milliseconds of different animations by increasing/decreasing the values of the duration variables.


Chat Message Constraints

Within our messaging system, specific technical constraints are in place for effective functionality. When composing a regular text message, users are limited to a maximum of 500 characters. For file and image attachments, the system allows for a total of 30 files to be sent simultaneously, with an individual file size limit of 10 MB.

It's crucial to note that attempts to upload a file exceeding the 10 MB threshold will be unsuccessful, in adherence to these constraints. Modification of these parameters can be executed through the lib/utils/constants.dart file.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the backend's overarching limitations. The backend enforces a maximum cap of 50 files per message and restricts individual file sizes to a maximum of 2 GB. Consequently, any adjustments made within the app must align with these backend constraints for seamless operation.


Generate release version

Create and add Key Store file for Android:

  1. To generate a keystore file, run the following command:

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore your-keystore-file.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias your-alias

    You can replace "your-keystore-file.jks" with your preferred filename, but ensure you keep the ".jks" extension. Similarly, you can change "your-alias" as needed, but make sure to remember it. During this process, you will be prompted to set a password; please note that the password characters won't be visible on the screen.

    Additional information may be requested, but you can simply press Enter to skip those as they are optional fields.

  2. Create a file named "key.properties" in your project's "android" folder and add the following details, which correspond to the information you used in the previous step:


    Replace the placeholders ("[]" brackets) with the actual details you used. Once these two steps are completed, you can generate either an APK file using the following command:

    flutter build apk

    Or an app bundle file for the Play Store upload with:

    flutter build appbundle


Follow these links for more information on generating the release version:

  1. To generate release android app-bundle and publish to playstore follow https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/android

  2. To generate release ios apk and publish to appstore follow https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/ios


Mediums and Sections

The Academics feature in e-School allows the admin to define the mediums (languages) in which the school operates, such as English, Hindi, and Gujarati. Additionally, the admin can create sections for classes, such as A, B, C, and so on.

Stream and Shifts

Streams are used to divide classes based on subject preferences, such as Arts, Commerce, or Science. By creating streams, schools can offer specialized education and personalized learning experiences.
Shifts are utilized to organize classes into different time-zones, like Morning or Afternoon, to accommodate students' schedules. With shifts, schools can efficiently manage classroom capacities and balance student-teacher ratios.


The admin can create new subjects within e-School. Each subject can be associated with one of the mediums and has a name, type (theory or practical), optional subject code, custom background color, and image to be displayed in the application. This allows for easy organization and identification of subjects across different classes.


In e-School, the admin can add classes by choosing the mediums and sections that each class will have. For example, selecting English as the medium and A, B, C as the sections will automatically create classes like 10 A English, 10 B English, and 10 C English. Similarly, selecting Gujarati as the medium and A, B, C as the sections will create classes like 10 A Gujarati, 10 B Gujarati, and 10 C Gujarati. Optionally a shift can be chosen for any class to indicate the time-zone it'll be taken on. There is also an option of sub-dividing classes into streams based on student's subject preference.

Class Assign Subject

Each class can have one or more core and elective subjects assigned to it. The admin can assign subjects to specific classes based on the curriculum requirements. This ensures that students in each class have access to the appropriate subjects for their academic journey.

Assign Class Teacher

Teachers can be assigned as class teachers for one or more classes. The class teacher plays a crucial role in overseeing the overall academic progress and discipline of the students in a particular class. One teacher can be class teacher of multiple classes. The class teacher can use features like attendance to take attendance of students in their class and giving offline exam Marks to the students in their class who has given the offline exam.

Assign Subject Teacher

Teachers are chosen to teach different subjects based on their expertise and qualifications. The admin can assign subject teachers to specific subjects across different classes. This ensures that students receive instruction from teachers who specialize in the respective subjects, enhancing the quality of education.

Assign New Student Class

The admin can use the this feature to assign a new student to a specific class and class section. This feature allows for easy management of student enrollment and ensures that each student is allocated to the appropriate class and section within the school.

Promote Student

The promote student feature allows for the seamless promotion of students from one class to another at the end of the academic year. This simplifies the administrative process and ensures that students progress to the appropriate next level in their education.


Student Admission

The Student Admission section in the e-School web panel allows administrators to add new students. They can provide details such as the student's first and last name, gender, profile image upload, class and category selection, caste, religion, blood group, height, current and permanent addresses. Additionally, administrators can add information about the student's mother and father, including their first names, last names, mobile number, profile image, email addresses, date of birth, occupations, and genders. An optional guardian can also be added, including similar details.

A student will be assigned a unique GR number automatically on admission. It will be used by the student to log in to the eSchool application with the date of birth (ddmmyyyy) as the default password. If new parents are created while admitting a new student, their email and date of birth will be their parent login details for the eSchool application.


The Parents Management section in the e-School web panel provides administrators with the ability to view and modify the data of all parents associated with the students from the school. This tab serves as a central hub for managing parent information, ensuring effective communication and accurate records.

Student Roll Number Assignment

The Student Roll Number Assignment feature enables administrators to easily assign first name or last name wise roll numbers to students in any class. This functionality simplifies the management and organization of student records within the e-School system.

Student Details Management

The Student Details Management section allows administrators to view, edit, or delete student information. This page provides convenient access to student records for necessary updates or modifications.

Student Category Management

The Student Category Management feature allows administrators to manage student categories within the e-School system. This includes creating categories such as general, OBC, ST, SC, or any other relevant categories, and assigning them to students as needed.

Reset Password

The Reset Password feature enables administrators to reset a student's login password for the e-School application. It resets chosen student's password to the default password which is the student's date of birth in format ddmmyyyy.

Add Bulk Student Data

The Add Bulk Student Data feature allows administrators to add a large number of students by uploading a CSV file in a specific format. Administrators can download a dummy file with the required format using the "Download Dummy File" button. This functionality streamlines the process of importing student data into the e-School system.

Student Dynamic Admission Form Fields

The Student Dynamic Admission Form Field is a feature that simplifies student enrollment. School administrators can add their own form fields in admission forms with various types like textboxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, textareas, and file uploaders to suit the specific needs of the schools, and making the admission process efficient and adaptable to changing needs.


The Teachers screen in the e-School web panel allows administrators to manage teachers within the school. From this screen, administrators can create new teachers by filling in details such as first name, last name, gender, email, mobile number, optional profile image, date of birth, qualification, current address, and permanent address. Additionally, administrators have the option to grant teachers permission to manage student and parent data, enabling them to perform these tasks from their own panel or app.

Once a new teacher is created, they can log in using the web panel with their email and password (with the default password being their date of birth). Alternatively, teachers can also log in using the teacher app, which provides access to teacher-specific features based on their permissions and assigned classes. Class teachers may have additional actions available to them, such as taking attendance for their assigned students.

Teacher Panel & App Features:

Special Permissions:

In addition to the listed features, teachers can have permission to manage student details and parent data. With these special permissions, teachers can view and update student information, as well as manage parent details. This allows teachers to have a more comprehensive understanding of their students and parents details.


Create Timetable

The admin can create the timetable for each class section from Monday to Sunday. They need to select the subject, teacher, starting time, ending time, and can add an optional note to create a timeslot on a specific day of the week in the timetable for a class section.

Class Timetable

In the Class Timetable section, both the admin and teachers can view the timetable specific to each class. This provides a comprehensive overview of the schedule for a particular class, allowing teachers and administrators to plan and prepare their lessons accordingly.

Teacher Timetable

In the Teacher Timetable section, the admin can view the timetable for any teacher. This allows the admin to have visibility into the schedule of each teacher within the school. Additionally, teachers themselves can access their own timetable to keep track of their assigned classes and time slots.


The admin can manage holidays from this section. To create a holiday, the admin needs to choose a date, title, and an optional description. This allows the admin to schedule and organize holidays effectively within the school calendar.

Teachers can view the holidays from their panel, providing them with visibility into the scheduled holidays. This helps teachers plan their lessons and activities accordingly.

Holidays will also be displayed to students and parents in the applications, appearing in the calendar. This ensures that students and parents are aware of upcoming holidays and can plan accordingly.


The admin can create sliders from this screen, allowing them to showcase images on the application's home screen. These sliders serve as visual highlights and can be used to display various topics or important information to everyone.

The admin have the ability to edit or delete existing sliders, providing flexibility in managing the displayed images. This feature allows for effective customization and presentation of relevant content to users.

Sliders can be utilized to showcase a range of topics in the eSchool app, such as:

  • Upcoming Events and Activities
  • School Achievements and Awards
  • Important Announcements
  • Featured Programs or Courses
  • School Facilities and Resources


Announcements can be managed from this screen by both teachers and admins. It allows for effective communication and dissemination of important information within the school community.

To create an announcement, the title is mandatory. Additionally, admins and teachers can add a description and attach multiple files to the announcement, providing detailed information and additional resources if needed.

These announcements can be assigned to the notice board by the admin, ensuring that they are prominently displayed for everyone to see. Teachers can also assign announcements to their respective class sections, enabling targeted communication with specific groups of students.

Students will be able to see these announcements in the application, which can help the school's principal and teachers to:

  • Share important school-wide news and updates
  • Communicate changes in school policies or procedures
  • Inform students about upcoming events, competitions, or workshops
  • Provide resources and study materials for specific subjects or topics
  • Announce academic achievements, awards, or recognition
  • Remind students about assignment deadlines or exam schedules
  • Promote community service opportunities or extracurricular activities
  • Share safety guidelines and emergency protocols
  • Celebrate special occasions and foster a sense of community


Add Attendance (Teacher Panel Login)

Class teachers can take attendance for students in a class, either for today or for a specific date, from this section. Additionally, teachers can make a day holiday for the students in a class on the selected date.

View Attendance (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can view the attendance of a specific class. They can filter it by present, absent, and holiday types, as well as by date. Additionally, a download feature is available to export the attendance data.

Add Bulk Data (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can easily manage class attendance by utilizing the Bulk Data Entry feature. They can select the desired class and date range, generating a dummy data file containing pre-filled student details. In this file, teachers need only input '1' (for present) or '0' (for absent) in the 'type' column for each student on each date. Afterward, they can effortlessly upload the file using the form below and submit it to efficiently record attendance in bulk.

eSchool & eSchool Teacher application

Teachers can also take/view attendance from the teacher application. Students and their parents can view their attendance monthly report from the eSchool application.

Lessons and Topics

Create Lesson (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can effectively manage lessons for students in a specific class section and subject. When creating a lesson, teachers will see their class sections and subjects available for selection.

They can then provide a name and description for the lesson and even have the option to add multiple files to complement the lesson. Once created, these lessons will be visible to students from the respective class section and subject within the application.

Students can easily download and access the files attached to the lesson to enhance their learning experience.

Create Topic (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can manage topics from this section. Each lesson can have multiple topics, and teachers can create them by selecting the appropriate class section, subject, and the associated lesson.

When creating a topic, teachers can provide a topic name and description, and optionally select relevant files to enrich the content.

Students will be able to view these topics within their lessons through the application, providing a well-organized and structured learning experience.


Create Assignment (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can create assignments for their class sections on a particular subject. When creating an assignment, teachers must provide a name and submission date for the assignment.

They can also add detailed instructions and files to provide students with additional information and resources. Moreover, teachers can specify the points that students can earn by submitting the assignment.

Furthermore, teachers have the option to allow resubmission of rejected assignments. In such cases, they must specify the extra days allowed for resubmission.

Students from the class section to which the assignment was assigned will see these assignments in the application. They can upload their files and submit the assignment to the teacher through the app.

Assignment Submission

Admin and Teachers can view the submitted assignments in this section and accept or reject the submissions.

They also have the ability to provide feedback and assign points to the submitted assignments.

Students will be able to see the feedback and updated status of their submitted assignments in the "Submitted Assignment" section of the application.

Online and Offline Exams

Create Exam

Exams can be managed by the admin from this screen. They can create exams by providing an exam name, selecting the session year, choosing one or more classes, and adding an optional exam description. The admin has the ability to edit, delete, and publish results for exams.

Create Exam Timetable

The admin can create the timetable for exams using this screen. They can select an exam, a class, a subject, total marks, passing marks, starting time, ending time, and date. Students will be able to see the exam schedule in the app, but the exams will be conducted offline on the campus.

Exam Grade

From this page, the admin can create a grading system for exam percentages. They can define grade ranges based on percentage values, such as 0 to 35 = F, 36 to 50 = D, and so on. This allows for consistent and standardized evaluation of exam results.

Upload Exam Marks (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can use this feature to enter and upload marks for students who have taken the exam. They can input the marks obtained by students for each exam.

Student Exam Result (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can view and manage the results of students' exams here. This feature provides access to exam results on a student-by-student basis, allowing teachers to track and analyze performance.

Manage Online Exam (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can efficiently manage online exams for different classes from this section. They have the flexibility to select the class section, subject, and fill in the exam title, along with a secret exam key that students will use to join the exam. The duration, in minutes, can be specified to allow students to answer the online exam questions within a defined time frame.

Additionally, teachers can set the starting date and ending date for the online exam. Once created, these exams will be accessible to students during the scheduled period. Furthermore, the marks will be automatically calculated based on the questions added to the exam, streamlining the assessment process.

Manage Questions (Teacher Panel Login)

In this section, teachers can efficiently manage questions for various classes and subjects. They have the option to create two types of questions: simple questions and equation-based questions.

For simple questions, teachers can provide textual questions, along with multiple textual options and indicate the correct answer. Additionally, they can optionally include images and notes to enhance the question's context and clarity.

On the other hand, equation-based questions offer an HTML editor and various features to seamlessly integrate mathematical equations within the question and its options. Once created, teachers can add these questions to specific exams, associating them with the relevant subjects.

Terms & Conditions (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can customize and add their own terms and conditions for exams through the text editor provided in this section. Students must agree to these terms before attending the exam via the application.

Fee Payment

Fees Configuration

To utilize the fees feature with online payment, administrators must complete this form by providing their payment gateway details such as Razorpay or Stripe. Additionally, they need to specify the currency code and symbol for the payments.

Session Year

Parents can pay their students' fees only for the current session year. Each student can be assigned to a particular class in a session year and a different class in the subsequent session year. In this section, administrators can create new session years and manage existing ones.

When setting up a session year, administrators need to enter its name, starting date, ending date, fees due date, and fees due charges (in percentage). Optionally, administrators can enable installment fee payments and set up one or more installments with names, due dates, and due charges (in percentage).

These dates and charges will be applicable to students paying their fees in the current session year. Administrators can designate the current session year from the general settings in the system configuration.

Fees Type

Administrators can create various types of fees from this section, such as exam fees, gym fees, sports fees, and more. Each fee type can have a title and description to provide additional context.

Assign Fees Classes

Administrators can assign different types of fees to specific class sections in this section. These fees can either be optional or non-optional, and their amounts can vary for each class section.

For instance, sports fees could be $90 for Class 9A and $200 for Class 12B. Administrators can customize the amounts for individual fee types according to each class.

Fees Paid

Administrators can view the fee payment status of all students from various classes in this section. If students and parents are making payments directly to the admin/principal using cash or cheque, the admin can record those payments in the compulsory/optional fee payment section.

Furthermore, administrators have the convenience of downloading PDF receipts for fees that have already been paid.

Fees Transactions Logs

This section displays logs of all fees transactions. Administrators can access detailed information about each transaction related to fees.

Fees Online Payment (Parent Login eSchool App)

Parents can conveniently pay their student's current session year fees online through the application. In the student options -> fees section, they can access information about all session years where fees have been paid and download receipts for their records.

Parents have the flexibility to pay pending fees for the current session year. They can either make full payments for compulsory fees or, if installment options are enabled, pay one or more installments. Additionally, they can pay optional fees at any time without concerns about due charges.

In the settings -> fees transaction option, parents can review all fee payment transactions, including the amount and status of each payment made.

Custom Notifications

Admin Panel


Student App


Custom Notifications

Custom notifications in eSchool allow users to create and send personalized messages for all users, specific user, students, parents, and teachers which will shown on notification section in applications. These notifications can be created only by admin to specific events, such as important announcements, upcoming school activities, academic updates, and more. With the flexibility to choose recipients, message title, message content.


The Chat feature in our eSchool project enables students to communicate with their class teachers, while parents can chat with any of their children's teachers. Teachers can easily engage with parents and students associated with their classes. The feature includes real-time messaging using notifications, and supports text, images, and file sharing. It ensures a seamless and organized communication experience for all users.


Web Page

Content Settings

In Web Settings the Content Settings section, admins can refine webpage content with precision. They can add sections, headings, descriptive text, and images seamlessly. This feature enables the creation of engaging webpages for enhanced user experience. Now, Admin can disable the section of web page.

      - Content should be maximum with 500 character.
      - Image should be with 630 x 550 px for better experience.

Educational Program

The Educational Program Details section empowers admin to showcase the key information about educational offerings with captivating titles and visually appealing images, enriching the webpage's content and engaging visitors effectively.


Admin have the ability to elevate user engagement by incorporating event-specific images. This feature enriches the user experience by providing visually captivating content tailored to each event, effectively capturing visitors' attention and fostering a deeper connection with the platform.


Admin can enhance user experience by seamlessly integrating event-related videos. Simply upload videos to YouTube and then conveniently add the URL to our platform's designated video section in Admin panel. This feature ensures easy access to dynamic event coverage, enriching user engagement and providing valuable insights into our community's activities.


Admin can add and customize FAQs for users school-related inquiries from panel. With the ability to prioritize visibility, admins can easily activate or deactivate specific questions, providing them with seamless control over the visibility of FAQ content., ensuring relevance and clarity. This feature streamlines communication, providing users with essential information while maintaining flexibility for admin to manage content effectively.

Contact Us

From the Contact Us section of our webpage, users can conveniently submit school-related queries. Admin have access to these queries in the web settings, allowing them to respond directly via email. This streamlined process ensures efficient communication, enabling administrators to address user inquiries promptly and effectively.



In the sliders section of the Admin panel, admin can effortlessly manage slider images for web pages. They have the flexibility to upload images for both the web and app or specify them exclusively for one platform. If no slider image is uploaded, default sliders are automatically displayed on web pages, ensuring a visually appealing experience for users.

News & Events

Single Events


Multiple Events


Events List


In the events section of the Admin panel, administrators can efficiently add and manage both single-day and multi-day upcoming events. These events, encompassing holidays and other notable occasions, are presented on the webpage in a date-wise format. The news and events section exhibits events starting from today's date, with a maximum limit of 6 entries. This streamlined approach guarantees that users remain informed about upcoming events without inundating them with excessive information.


Its our pleasure to serve and support our customers. Please contact our support team if you encounter any issues or have any questions related to e-School.

Customer Support Head for e-School : Aayush Thacker

To help our customers, we constantly be in touch with every customer if they need any assistance regarding our product.
We offer our customers a support from Mon – Fri 9.00am to 6.00pm IST (GMT +5.30) – We are a Team located in India – Asia. Typically we reply our customers for all the questions and queries within 24 hours of time via comments, support forum or emails.


1. What is the default password ?

Default password of student is student's date of birth i.e. ddmmyyyy.
Note :- student's credentials will be sent to their respective parent's email.

Default password of parent is parent's date of birth i.e. ddmmyyyy.
Note :- parent's credentials will be sent to their respective email.

Default password of teacher is teacher's date of birth i.e. ddmmyyyy.
Note :- teacher's credentials will be sent to their respective email.

2. Why is the application calendar not showing any events ?

All the calendars in the application will show months in the current session year which can be set from admin panel System Settings -> General Settings -> Session Year. If the current date is not in the session year, the calendars will only show the current month with today highted and not any events. To fix the issue you can choose the correct session year or create one from admin panel Session Year screen.


Your Feedback

Dear valuable customer, Thank you very much for choosing our product. It's our pleasure to serve top-notch service to you. Please give us your honest feedback that will help us to make a more strong and reliable product by click here Rate Us. Thank you very much.

Contact Us

WRTeam has creative and dedicated group of developers who are mastered in Apps Developments and Web Application Development with a niche in delivering quality solutions to customers across the globe. Contact us today to find out how we can help you or for freelance work.

Visit Us : https://wrteam.in

Mail Us : support@wrteam.in

Thank you very much.