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Setup Admin Panel
Installing Admin Panel on Shared Hosting
- Create your domain or subdomain in shared hosting.
Set up an empty database in your shared hosting and keep track of these
- Database name
- Database username
- Database password
Note Avoid using hyphens(-) in the Database Name, as it doesn't work in some configurations.
Uploading the source code to Server
- Begin by extracting the Source Code you acquired from CodeCanyon.
- Unpack the Admin Panel zip file and proceed to upload the PHP Code Folder's contents onto your Server.
important .htaccess file is essential; kindly verify its existence. If it is not visible, enable the option to display hidden files.
important Supported PHP version should be greater than or equal to 8.1.
Now head to your project's URL (e.g., or
The Installation screen will then walk you through the process seamlessly.
Great news! You're all set to start your Elite Quiz experience.
Default Login Details:Username: admin
Password: admin123
Customize Admin Panel for your brand

- Change Login Page Background Image & Bot Image from here
- Include a JWT Key (optional) to enhance security by generating user tokens. You have the flexibility to input any passphrase or password of your choice.
Adjusting the
Theme Color
lets you change the main panel color to suit your preferences. -
Footer Copyright Text
to incorporate your copyright information.
Settings for the App

- System Timezone: This option sets the time zone of the admin panel.
- App Links: You can set your apps play store/app store links in here, when user refers the app this links will be used.
- Refer Coins: Amount of coins your referral gets for using your referral code.
- Earn Coins: Amount of coins user gets for referring.
- Force Update: if you want to require users to update the app to latest version. you can enable force update and add the Android/IOS App Version if app has given version it will show force update dialog to those users.
- True/False Values: When Creating True False Question these values will be added as default values, then you can also edit them.
- Share App Text: sharing the app will share this text.
- App Maintenance: When you are working on the admin panel or apps Maintenance, you can enable this option so it will show users that app is in Maintenance Mode.
- Language Mode: If you want to only use one language in the app you can disable this option. if you want to add multiple languages enable this feature.
- Option E: If you want 5 options for the answer you can enable this option. otherwise there will be 4 options to select from for answer.
- Daily Quiz/Contest Mode:Toggle Daily Quiz/Contest feature functionality
- In App Purchase: This option controls 'Coin Store' functionality in the app. if you disable this feature user won't be able to purchase coins.
Elite Quiz App
Required Softwares
- Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 (Not checked with Ladybug version, might not work so use the aforementioned version)
- Flutter 3.27.1 (Latest)
- Java Version 21
Additionally, for Macos
- HomeBrew
- Cocoapods (1.16.2)
- XCode 15 (XCode 16 is also supported)
Setup flutter
important Install the current supported Flutter v3.27.1 (Latest) from the Stable channel.
Explore the official Flutter website at
for a complete installation guide for your platform.
Prefer video tutorials? Check out the playlist:
After installation run flutter doctor -v
to check if everything is
correctly setup.
It is your responsibility to install and set up Flutter correctly. Ensure that
Flutter is properly installed and configured before moving forward. You must
verify that there are no issues reported by the
flutter doctor
important Android Toolchain, Android Studio, and XCode for Mac users should be correctly configured.
If you are using Android Studio, install the flutter
plugin from Android Studio plugin market place.
and if you
are using VS Code you can install flutter
If not do the necessary steps to resolve them, check the official flutter documentation for the guide.
After everything is verified to be correct you can continue with the documentation.
Steps to run this project successfully:
- Begin by extracting the downloaded code.
Next, extract the contents of the
Elite Quiz App
and launch it in either Android Studio or Visual Studio Code. -
Access the IDE terminal and enter the command
flutter pub get
to fetch the necessary dependencies. -
If you want to run the app in IOS simulator (otherwise skip this step), then
execute the following commands in the terminal:
cd ios
pod install
cd .. - Finally, To run the application, run
flutter run
Change app package name
If you are using
Android Studio
, you can press
to open Replace in Files tool.
then search our package namecom.wrteam.flutterquiz
and replace it with your package name in all places.
And if you are using
VS Code
, you can press
to open Find in Files Tool.
then search our package namecom.wrteam.flutterquiz
and replace it with your package name in all places.

Change application name
Similarly you can change the app name by finding and replacing in all the places.

Integrate firebase with your Project
First, Create a new Firebase Project
After creating your Firebase project, you'll now connect your Android
application to it
Now, fill in the details, to get your SHA-1 & SHA-256 keys visit
SHA keys are required for using firebase authentication. if you have doubts about SHA keys, click here.
Skip this step
Skip this step
Now it's time for connecting IOS to your Firebase Project.
- Finally, We need to add firebase services json file into the Admin panel.

Skip this step

Download the firebase json by opening your Firebase Project > Project Settings > Services Account, and clicking generate new key.

Upload the downloaded services json in the admin panel by going to Settings > Firebase Configurations section, as shown in the image.

Congrats! You have successfully connected your android & IOS app to your firebase project.
Enable Firebase Authentication
you can toggle authentication methods from admin panel now. go to
Settings -> Authentication Settings
Authentication Methods should be enabled in both Panel and the firebase to work properly.

Head to your Firebase project, click on the authentication menu, and enable
Email, Phone, Google, and Apple sign-in methods, as shown in the image.
Add the SHA-256 key as shown in below image. Go to Project Settings -> Your apps
-> Android apps
If you want to use Phone authentication in IOS then
Go to
Paste it in
as shown in below image
Go to
Firebase Configurations for Group and 1v1 Battles
For battles to work you will need to enable Cloud Firestore in Firebase.
Follow these steps shown in images below.
First Create Firestore database
Select the nearest location to you
After database has been created, you will need to do 2 things
Set rules, to enable permissions for storing battle data in the database.
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null; } } }
Create an index, for message functionality to work in battles.
Follow the below details exactly otherwise messages won't work in the app.
- Collection Id :
First Field :
, Ascending. important herei
is Capital. - Second Field :
, Descending. - Select Query Scopes to be
- Collection Id :
Set rules, to enable permissions for storing battle data in the database.
That's it for battles functionality.
Connect your admin panel to the app
Go to
and add your admin panel url indatabaseUrl
variable, like shown in the image below.Important Make sure to not add '/' at the end of the url.
Important Make sure to check if the admin panel is http or https.
Change application version and app launcher icon
Update the
as shown in image below.
flutter packages get
flutter build
flutter run
after changing the version. 
You can start from 1.0.0+1
version, then as you update the app you
can update version also. you can follow semantic versioning or simply increase
the build number, its upto you.
Change Splash and Organization Logo

To change the splash and Organization logo, you can replace svg logo files
& org_logo.svg
. and if you are using
png images then you will have to add them in assets/images
change its name from .svg to .png or .jpg
Change Authentication Screen App Logo

Similarly, you can replace app_logo.svg
in assets/images and/or
change the extension by changing it in assets_constants.dart

Change App Logo
For Android
, open android > app > src > main > res and add here your logo according to
device screen size
For IOS open
, ios > Runner > Assets.xcassets > AppIcon.appiconset here and add your logo
according to diffrent size.
Manage System Languages (Translations) from Admin Panel
to manage and add translations, you can go to System Languages setting

Manage Quiz Language from Admin Panel
Quiz Language meaning language of the questions, quiz content. not the translations or the labels of the app. if you want to have content in the multiple languages then it will be useful for you.-
If you want to have multiple languages for the quiz content, then you can
enable language mode in your admin panel as shown in the image below otherwise
keep it disabled.
Then you can Add/Manage quiz languages from Languages Section. or skip this
step if language mode is disabled.
Change app colors
You can change colors of the app fromlib/ui/styles/colors.dart

Configure Ads
Google AdMob
To begin, create an AdMob account and set up three Ad Units:
- Banner Ad
- Interstitial Ad
- Rewarded Ad
For Android, go to
and enter android App Id as shown in below image.
For IOS, go to
and enter IOS App Id as shown in below image.
Go to
Settings > Ads.Settings
in admin panel and add AdMob ad ids as shown in below image.
Unity Ads
Go toSettings > Ads.Settings
in admin panel and add Unity ad ids as shown in below image.

Daily Watch Ads
Daily Watch Ads are Reward Ads shown to user in home screen. Users can choose to watch ads to earn some coins. for daily watch ads you can limit how many time a day user can watch ad to earn coin. and how much coin will they get per ad.

And you can change settings for it from Ads Settings

Placements of the Ads
Banner Ads
Banner Ads are shown screens which are mainly used to show list. like,
- Category List Screen
- Sub Category List Screen
- Levels List Screen
- Sub Category & Levels List Screen
- Exams List Screen
- Fun'N'Learn List Screen
Interstitial Ads
Interstitial Ads are shown in places when user enters some section & before showing result.
- Before Showing Result Screen
- Going to sections from Menu Screen like, Notifications, Wallet, Statistics, etc
- before going to Categories List Screen
Reward Ads
Rewards Ads are shown in only specific scenarios,
- like when creating Battle Room if user doesn't have enough Coins. or when playing Random Battle user doesn't have enough coins.
- When playing quiz zone, if user doesn't have enough coins for using lifelines. And similarly in Guess The Word when user tries to use hint without enough coins.
- Also in homescreen, user can opt in to watch Daily Ads to earn more coins by watching video ads.
Create the AdMob UMP/GDPR message
The first step we must take is to create the consent message in the AdMob interface. If you already have this message created then simply skip this step
If you prefer video tutorial refer to this video from 1:13 to 2:39.
Access the AdMob console, and go to the Privacy & messaging section
Here you will see the different types of messages that you can create. Press the first button at the bottom right to create your message

In the next screen, press the Create message button to start creating your message.
You will be presented with a form with several options. Choose your app.
Then choose the languages in which you want to display the message, and the consent options:

If you have doubts about which option is right for you, you should consult with a lawyer specialized in this topic.
The last step will be to choose whether we want to show this message only in regions subject to the GDPR or worldwide.
Once created you will be able to view and configure your message. At this point, you can navigate through the interface since there are several configuration options, including the selection of colors, languages, spacing, etc. Simply configure the message to your liking so that it looks good in your application.
If you have more questions about the process of creating the privacy message, I recommend that you look at the Official AdMob Guide
Change intro slider images
folder using the same filenames shown in the images.


Change default profile avatar images
Update Avatars in
folder using the same filenames preferably shown in the images. -
Then add those filenames in
Configure In-App purchases
For In App Products to show up in the app, first you will need to at least publish the app in closed or internal testing, and create products in app store and/or play console. then create the same products with same product_id in admin panel. remember product_id should be same in admin panel products and app store/play console.
Once you have created IAP(In-App-Purchase) Products in app store/play console and in admin panel and published the app in closed/internal testing. verify that it is showing up in the app.
Follow the below given resources for creating IAP in app store / play console. and in admin panel
For creating in-app purchase products refer to the documentation here: Apple, Google
For android (Play Store)
Upload your application to the Play Store and create in-app products as shown
in the image. Ensure that the ID of consumable products in both Apple and Play
Store is the same.
For IOS (App Store)
Open the
folder of the project into Xcode. Go to Capabilities. And enable "In-App Purchase" as shown in image. -
use the following links to get help enabling in-app purchases:
For further assistance, refer to the official Apple Developer documentation on in-app purchases at:
Add In-App products from Admin Panel
Then After creating in-app purchase products, add their respective coins and
productIds in
Admin Panel > Settings > Coin Store Settings
as shown in image.
Then you will need to do some further configuration for both android and ios, so that IAP purchases can be verified from the server side.
For Android- go to
Admin Panel > Settings > In App Settings
- Add the Android App package name
- and copy the Client Email
- Open Play Console and go to Users and Permissions click Invite new Users
Paste the email into the Email Address field and for Account Permission give
Admin permission. as shown in the image.
Go to your
Google Console to Android Developer API page
and make sure your project is selected select your project from top dropdown.
make sure it is enabled. if not enable it.
- Go to App Store Connect and choose your app
- Select "App Information" from the left side menu
- Click "Manage" under App-Specific Shared Secret
- Click Generate and Copy the shared secret
- Paste the copied shared secret in the admin panel in "iTunes Shared Secret"

To Enable Remove Ads feature
Create an product with product id of
in the admin panel and select its Type to be of Ads. You can use any other product_id but remember to add it in every other places as well.Important if you are updating from 2.1.8 version, then after updating you will need to edit the remove ads iap and select its type to be Ads.
Then Create an Consumable Product in the App Store/Play
Console with the same product id (
Modify battle messages & emojis
you can add/modifypredefinedMessages
a list of predefined messages as per your liking.
You can update the emojis from
. These emojis must be SVGs. -
Any additional emojis that you might have added you also need to add them in
Configure force update
You can require users to update to the latest app version by specifying it in the Play/App Store. Upon opening the app, a pop-up will prompt them to update.-
To do that go to admin panel,
Settings -> System Configurations
and enable force update.
Go to pubspec.yaml and copy the version number of application.
Enter the version number that we just copied into, Android and Ios Version
Add the App Store & Play Store links to your app. And make sure that links are
correct, otherwise force update will not work as expected.
Manage Badges
Manage badges from here
To unlock badges like Super Sonic, Flashback and Brainiac minimum question is
set to 5.
You can change that as shown in below image. -
To unlock badges like Combat Winner, Clash Winner and Quiz Warrior winner must
be declared by completing battle.
- To get more information about how badges works click here .
Setup Exams
Go to admin panel,
Settings -> System Configurations
and enable exam module as shown in image.
If you want to update the exam rules you can do so by updating
Setup earning module
To set up the earning module for users to redeem coins, access the Admin Panel
and go to
Settings -> Payment Settings
Users can convert earned coins to real money with customizable conversion rates. For example here, per10 Coins
user will get1 Amount
Amount here refers to the real money. AndCurrency Symbol
will be used for the amount.
You can also modify the notes that will be shown to user when they redeem the
coins, and for that go to
From there you also have the option to add or update payment methods.
These methods require manual approval by theAdmin
, who then proceeds to send the actual funds to the users through their chosen payment options specified in this section.
can view and process payment requests in thePayment Requests
section of their Admin Panel.
Configure quiz timers, score and coins management

- Maximum Winning Coins : The highest coins users can earn based on their correct answers percentage in the quiz.
Minimum Winning Percentage: The minimum correct answers percentage needed to
Maximum Winning Coins
. - Quiz Winning Percentage : Percentage required to win the quiz
- Score: Points awarded per correct answer.
- Timer Settings : Customize quiz durations from here.
- Welcome Bonus : coins received on initial login.
- Lifeline Deduct : adjust coins needed for using lifeline.
- Random Battle Entry : base entry fee for playing random battles.
- Review Answers Deduct : coins deducted for reviewing quiz answers.
Change app constants
In addition to modifying
System Configurations
andSystem Utilities
, you have the option to make specific changes to certain application aspects through thelib/utils/constants/constants.dart
These include altering Sound files, setting theinitialSelectedCountryCode
for the default country selection in the Phone login screen,
to limit the phone number length based on your country, adjusting the wait duration for opponents in battles, setting the in-between questions duration, modifying the deduction for wrong answers, and configuring extra points for the quickest answers, among other possibilities. -
To modify coin distribution, access
and update the equation according to your preferences.
Generate release version of this product
To generate the release version of this application, please refer to the platform-specific guides: Android IOS .Important: Before deploying to IOS, ensure that the "China" option is unchecked as demonstrated in the image below.

SHA keys and Keystore Basics
For Android build you need to understand few things.- Basically Keystore file is used for signing your app. each keystore file having SHA keys, which gets associated with your app.
- SHA keys are required for android version of the app's login and battles functionalites to work.
Firstly, there are 2 keystores important,
which might be already present after you have installed android studio and release/upload keystore, which you will have to create when you want to publish the app. -
To get the debug SHA keys from debug.keystore
Mac:keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
Windows:keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore
go to
and scroll down to buildTypes as shown in the image. - you can select which keystore to use for signing by commenting and uncommenting them.
Now, run the app in android once, after running the app, in the terminal go to
android folder then,
run./gradlew :app:signingReport
it will output which keystore the app is signed with currently. - add both SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys in your firebase project. then re-download the Google Services json file
To Create Upload Keystore
To create upload keystore, using keytool use below command.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore upload.jks -alias key -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096
-storepass upload123 -keypass upload123 -validity 10000
To read the keystore details
keytool -v -list -keystore upload.jks -storepass upload123 -keypass upload123
Then sign your app with upload.jks for release build by adding itโs details in
as shown in the image. - rebuilding the app again should use your new upload keystore.
- Add both SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys in your firebase project. then re-download the Google Services json file.
And finally after you have published your app on play console, you need to add 4 more SHA keys in the firebase from the play console.
to get them follow this link:
Data Safety Form Submission Guide for Play Console
Please watch the YouTube video below for a concise tutorial on completing the mandatory Data Safety Form in Play Console.
Common Issues
If you are seeing warnings on admin panel after the installation, then check if
the warning contains
Then Add
in yourindex.php
file, like shown in the image. -
Critical security vulnerability was discovered in reCAPTCHA Enterprise for Mobile. (Not required after v2.1.5, already added)
This is issue related to Firebase Auth package. which should be fixed in next update of the firebase_auth (current version is 4.16.0).
For currently you can add the following line in
, in the dependencies section, like shown in the imageimplementation ''
Contact Support
Delighted to serve and support you! Contact our support team led by Jay Parmar on Skype.We're available Mon-Fri, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm IST (GMT +5.30), India - Asia.
Expect prompt responses within 24 hours via comments, forum, or email.
Your Feedback
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service is our priority, and we value your feedback.
Kindly take a moment to rate us by clicking
the link
. Your honest input helps us improve and deliver the best experience possible.
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